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2025 Board Election

Upcoming Election Deadlines
  • January 26 – February 28: Call for nominations
  • February 28: Deadline for self-nominations 
  • March 3: Write-in candidate deadline
  • April 14: Ballot packets mailed
  • April 29: Application for absentee ballot deadline 
  • May 6: Election Day (absentee voter’s ballots due by 7 p.m.)

The Health District is governed by a five-member Board of Directors, with members serving staggered terms of four years. Board members are elected at large from the community.

Why run for the Health District Board?

As a Board member, you’ll be giving your time to promote better health and well-being in our residents. Through your advocacy, you’ll also be empowered to decrease disparities in health equity. This is crucial to ensuring that District residents have access to evidence-based care that contributes to the long-term resilience of the community. You’ll also:

  • Provide oversight of financial, quality, compliance, and risk-management elements
  • Ensure that the Health District is aligned with operational best practices and accountable to clients for efficient, effective, and equitable care
  • Approve policies and review bylaws
  • Develop and/or ensure implementation of the strategic plan
  • Ensure the Board is functioning effectively through productive meetings and well-functioning committees.

This is an opportunity to represent the community, foster collaborations, and serve in the best interests of the Health District’s client populations. Your influence could make a real difference in people’s lives.

Who can run?

To run for the Board of Directors, a candidate must be an eligible voter residing within the Health District boundaries. In the coming months, you’ll have the opportunity to share your perspectives on how best to serve the community’s health and collaborate with partners. District residents will vote on May 6, or via absentee ballot. 

For those running as a write-in candidate, you must submit an Affidavit of Intent to Be a Write-In Candidate.

Frequently asked questions

This centralized resource provides answers to common questions to help you understand, and participate in, the election process.

Required forms


